Third Degree Burn Treatment

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Superficial burns can be treated with topical application of lotions, honey, aloe vera, or antibiotic ointment. Partial-thickness burns should be treated with a topical antimicrobial agent or an. Third-degree burns are very serious injuries. Do not try to treat a third-degree burn at home. A third-degree burn needs immediate professional medical attention. You should, however, know what to do for a third-degree burn (i.e., first aid) until professional medical help arrives. Physical Therapy and Exercise. Patients with third-degree burns are at great risk of losing function and mobility. For this reason, it is important to begin recuperation from day one. Your treatment team will try to get you up and moving as soon as it is appropriate for you to do so. 3rd Degree (Full Thickness) The dead skin will need to be removed and replaced with skin grafts, which is a surgical procedure. After surgery, the hand is splinted (Figure 3) until the skin is healed. Ideally this is within two to three weeks after the injury. Treating third degree burn also involves the administration of antibiotics to prevent infection. Infection is one of the most common burn injury complications. Antibiotics may be administered orally, intravenously, or topically onto the burned area.


What is a burn?

A burn occurs when heat, chemicals, sunlight, electricity or radiation damages skin tissue. Most burns happen accidentally. There are different degrees of burns. Your healthcare provider determines the seriousness (degree) of a burn based on the depth of the burn and the amount of affected skin. Burns can be painful. Left untreated, a burn can lead to infection.

How common are burns?

Close to half a million people go to the emergency department every year with burn injuries. Children are at high risk for accidental burns. Every day, more than 300 children receive emergency treatment for burn injuries.

Who might get a burn?

Accidental burns can happen to anyone, although children, teenagers and older people are most at risk. These age groups are more prone to burn injuries from cooking, such as spilling a boiling pan of water onto skin. Children and teens are also more likely to mess around with lighters, matches and fireworks or get sunburns.

What are the types of burns?

Healthcare providers classify burns by degrees of severity. Your provider will evaluate the extent of skin damage. Burn degrees include:

  • First-degree burns are mild (like most sunburns). The top layer of skin (epidermis) turns red and is painful but doesn't typically blister.
  • Second-degree burns affect skin's top and lower layers (dermis). You may experience pain, redness, swelling and blistering.
  • Third-degree burns affect all three skin layers: epidermis, dermis and fat. The burn also destroys hair follicles and sweat glands. Because third-degree burns damage nerve endings, you probably won't feel pain in the area of the burn itself, rather adjacent to it. Burned skin may be black, white or red with a leathery appearance.

Symptoms and Causes

Third Degree Burn Treatment

What causes burns?

Many things can cause a burn. Thermal sources, including fire, hot liquids, steam and contact with hot surfaces, are the most common causes of burns. Other causes include exposure to:

  • Chemicals, such as cement, acids or drain cleaners.
  • Radiation.
  • Electricity.
  • Sun (ultraviolet or UV light).

What are the signs of burns?

Burn symptoms vary depending on the severity or degree of the burn. Symptoms are often worse during the first few hours or days after the burn. Burn symptoms include:

  • Blisters.
  • Pain.
  • Swelling.
  • White or charred (black) skin.
  • Peeling skin.

Diagnosis and Tests

How are burns diagnosed?

Third Degree Burn Treatment Emt

Your healthcare provider will examine the burn to determine the degree or severity. This process involves estimating the percentage of the body affected by the burn and its depth. Your provider may classify the burn as:

  • Minor: First- and second-degree burns that cover less than 10% of the body are considered minor and rarely require hospitalization.
  • Moderate: Second-degree burns that cover about 10% of the body are classified as moderate. Burns on the hands, feet, face or genitals can range from moderate to severe.
  • Severe: Third-degree burns that cover more than 1% of the body are considered severe.

Management and Treatment

How are burns managed or treated?

Burn treatment varies depending on the cause and severity. You need to keep all burns clean and apply proper bandages/dressing depending on the severity of the wounds. Treating the person's pain is key: inadequate control can interfere with wound care.


Continue to check wounds for signs of infection and other long term issues, such as scarring and tightening of the skin over joints and muscles, which makes them difficult to move.

Treatments by burn type include:

  • First-degree burns: Run cool water over the burn. Don't apply ice. For sunburns, apply aloe vera gel. For thermal burns, apply antibiotic cream and cover lightly with gauze. You can also take over-the-counter pain medication.
  • Second-degree burns: Treatment for second- and first-degree burns is similar. Your healthcare provider may prescribe a stronger antibiotic cream that contains silver, such as silver sulfadiazine, to kill bacteria. Elevating the burned area can reduce pain and swelling.
  • Third-degree burns: Third-degree burns can be life-threatening and often require skin grafts. Skin grafts replace damaged tissue with healthy skin from another of the uninjured part of the person's body. The area where the skin graft is taken from generally heals on its own. If the person does not have enough skin available for a graft at the time of injury, a temporary source of graft can come from a deceased donor or a human-made (artificial) source but these will eventually need to be replace by the person's own skin. Treatment also includes extra fluids (usually given intravenously, with an IV) to keep blood pressure steady and prevent shock and dehydration.

What are the complications of burns?

Third-degree burns that are deep and affect a large portion of skin are very serious and can be life-threatening. Even first- and second-degree burns can become infected and cause discoloration and scarring. First-degree burns don't cause scarring.

Potential complications of third-degree burns include:

  • Arrhythmia, or heart rhythm disturbances, caused by an electrical burn.
  • Dehydration.
  • Disfiguring scars and contractures.
  • Edema (excess fluid and swelling in tissues).
  • Organ failure.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Seriously low blood pressure (hypotension) that may lead to shock.
  • Severe infection that may lead to amputation or sepsis.


How can I prevent a burn?

Burns have many accidental causes. You can take these steps to reduce the risk of burns:

  • Wear sunscreen.
  • Set your home's hot water heater below 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Always test the water in a shower or bath before getting in or bathing a child.
  • Lock up chemicals, lighters and matches.
  • Use the stove's back burners as much as possible when cooking, turn handles of pots and pans where they won't be bumped and don't leave the stove unattended.
  • Don't hold a child when you're near hot objects, such as the stove.
  • Set safeguards around a fireplace and never leave a child unattended.
  • Install and regularly test smoke detectors in your home.
  • Stock your home with fire extinguishers and know how to use them.
  • Cover electrical outlets.

Outlook / Prognosis

What is the prognosis (outlook) for people with burns?

With proper treatment, most first- and second-degree burns heal over two to three weeks. Depending on the burn severity, you may have some scarring, which may fade over time. People recovering from third-degree burns need physical and occupational therapy to maintain joint mobility and improve function. Some people develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or depression after a burn event. Thanks to medical advancements, many people who have burns covering even up to 90% of their bodies survive .

Third Degree Burn Treatment At Home

Living With

Third Degree Burn Treatment

What causes burns?

Many things can cause a burn. Thermal sources, including fire, hot liquids, steam and contact with hot surfaces, are the most common causes of burns. Other causes include exposure to:

  • Chemicals, such as cement, acids or drain cleaners.
  • Radiation.
  • Electricity.
  • Sun (ultraviolet or UV light).

What are the signs of burns?

Burn symptoms vary depending on the severity or degree of the burn. Symptoms are often worse during the first few hours or days after the burn. Burn symptoms include:

  • Blisters.
  • Pain.
  • Swelling.
  • White or charred (black) skin.
  • Peeling skin.

Diagnosis and Tests

How are burns diagnosed?

Third Degree Burn Treatment Emt

Your healthcare provider will examine the burn to determine the degree or severity. This process involves estimating the percentage of the body affected by the burn and its depth. Your provider may classify the burn as:

  • Minor: First- and second-degree burns that cover less than 10% of the body are considered minor and rarely require hospitalization.
  • Moderate: Second-degree burns that cover about 10% of the body are classified as moderate. Burns on the hands, feet, face or genitals can range from moderate to severe.
  • Severe: Third-degree burns that cover more than 1% of the body are considered severe.

Management and Treatment

How are burns managed or treated?

Burn treatment varies depending on the cause and severity. You need to keep all burns clean and apply proper bandages/dressing depending on the severity of the wounds. Treating the person's pain is key: inadequate control can interfere with wound care.

Continue to check wounds for signs of infection and other long term issues, such as scarring and tightening of the skin over joints and muscles, which makes them difficult to move.

Treatments by burn type include:

  • First-degree burns: Run cool water over the burn. Don't apply ice. For sunburns, apply aloe vera gel. For thermal burns, apply antibiotic cream and cover lightly with gauze. You can also take over-the-counter pain medication.
  • Second-degree burns: Treatment for second- and first-degree burns is similar. Your healthcare provider may prescribe a stronger antibiotic cream that contains silver, such as silver sulfadiazine, to kill bacteria. Elevating the burned area can reduce pain and swelling.
  • Third-degree burns: Third-degree burns can be life-threatening and often require skin grafts. Skin grafts replace damaged tissue with healthy skin from another of the uninjured part of the person's body. The area where the skin graft is taken from generally heals on its own. If the person does not have enough skin available for a graft at the time of injury, a temporary source of graft can come from a deceased donor or a human-made (artificial) source but these will eventually need to be replace by the person's own skin. Treatment also includes extra fluids (usually given intravenously, with an IV) to keep blood pressure steady and prevent shock and dehydration.

What are the complications of burns?

Third-degree burns that are deep and affect a large portion of skin are very serious and can be life-threatening. Even first- and second-degree burns can become infected and cause discoloration and scarring. First-degree burns don't cause scarring.

Potential complications of third-degree burns include:

  • Arrhythmia, or heart rhythm disturbances, caused by an electrical burn.
  • Dehydration.
  • Disfiguring scars and contractures.
  • Edema (excess fluid and swelling in tissues).
  • Organ failure.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Seriously low blood pressure (hypotension) that may lead to shock.
  • Severe infection that may lead to amputation or sepsis.


How can I prevent a burn?

Burns have many accidental causes. You can take these steps to reduce the risk of burns:

  • Wear sunscreen.
  • Set your home's hot water heater below 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Always test the water in a shower or bath before getting in or bathing a child.
  • Lock up chemicals, lighters and matches.
  • Use the stove's back burners as much as possible when cooking, turn handles of pots and pans where they won't be bumped and don't leave the stove unattended.
  • Don't hold a child when you're near hot objects, such as the stove.
  • Set safeguards around a fireplace and never leave a child unattended.
  • Install and regularly test smoke detectors in your home.
  • Stock your home with fire extinguishers and know how to use them.
  • Cover electrical outlets.

Outlook / Prognosis

What is the prognosis (outlook) for people with burns?

With proper treatment, most first- and second-degree burns heal over two to three weeks. Depending on the burn severity, you may have some scarring, which may fade over time. People recovering from third-degree burns need physical and occupational therapy to maintain joint mobility and improve function. Some people develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or depression after a burn event. Thanks to medical advancements, many people who have burns covering even up to 90% of their bodies survive .

Third Degree Burn Treatment At Home

Living With

When should I call the doctor?

You should call your healthcare provider if you experience:

  • Burns on the hands, feet, face or genitalia.
  • Burns that don't improve after two weeks.
  • Blistering.
  • Severe pain.
  • Fever, yellow or green discharge, or other signs of infection.
  • Signs of PTSD or depression.

What questions should I ask my doctor?

You may want to ask your healthcare provider:

  • What degree is the burn?
  • What is the best treatment for this burn?
  • What steps can I take to lower the risk of infection?
  • What steps can I take to lower the risk of scarring?
  • What steps can I take to lower the future risk of accidental burns?
  • Should I look out for signs of complications?

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Burns happen accidentally. Children and older adults are at highest risk. All deep burns require treatment to prevent infection and scarring. Third-degree burns are the most serious type and can be life-threatening. However, first- and second-degree burns are more painful. If you or a loved one has a blistering burn, prompt medical attention can aid healing. Talk to your healthcare provider about ways to lower your family's risk of accidental burns.

What is a third-degree burn in children?

A burn is damage to tissues of the body caused by contact with things such as heat, radiation, or chemicals. A third-degree burn damages affects the outer layer of skin (epidermis) and the inner layer of skin (dermis). A child with a third-degree burn needs immediate medical care.

What causes a third-degree burn in a child?

In most cases, third-degree burns are caused by:

  • Very hot liquids

  • Contact with a hot object

  • Fire

  • Electricity

  • Chemicals

What are the symptoms of a third-degree burn in a child?

Symptoms can occur a bit differently in each child. Symptoms can include skin that is:

3rd Degree Burn Treatment Guidelines

  • Dry and leathery

  • Changes color to black, white, brown, or yellow

  • Swollen

  • May not be painful, because of damage to nerve endings

The symptoms of a third-degree burn can be like other health conditions. Make sure your child sees his or her healthcare provider for a diagnosis.

How is a third-degree burn diagnosed in a child?

The healthcare provider will ask about your child's symptoms and health history. He or she will give your child a physical exam. The diagnosis of a third-degree burn is based the signs and symptoms, and recent exposure to something that can cause a burn. This may be the sun, something hot, or a chemical.

How is a third-degree burn treated in a child?

Treatment will depend on your child's symptoms, age, and general health. It will also depend on how severe the condition is. A child will usually be treated in a hospital unit that specializes in burns.

Treatment for a third-degree burn will depend on the severity of the burn. Burn severity is determined by:

  • The amount of body surface that is affected

  • Where the burn is located

  • The depth of the burn

Treatment for a third-degree burn may include:

  • Immediate care in an emergency department, possibly in a hospital burn unit

  • Breathing and blood circulation support

  • IV (intravenous), given into a vein, fluids containing electrolytes

  • IV or oral antibiotics for infections

  • Cleaning and removal of dead tissue (debridement) from the burn area

  • Antibacterial cream, and other creams

  • Special bandages or dressings

  • Nutritional supplements and a high-protein diet

  • Pain medicines

  • Anti-itch medicines

  • Tetanus vaccine

A large third-degree burn heals slowly. After the burn heals, surgery may be needed. This is done to improve the ability to move, and to remove and repair scarred skin.

In some cases, skin grafting may be needed to close or cover the burn. A skin graft is a piece of healthy skin from one part of the body that is removed and put on an area that needs skin. The burn area that's covered is called the graft site. The area where a piece of skin is taken is called the donor site. After a skin graft, the donor site looks like a scrape. After a skin graft:

  • A dressing is left on the graft site for a few days before it's changed. The site needs to be still and protected to start to heal.

  • The donor site usually heals in about 2 weeks.

Third Degree Burn Treatment At Home

What are possible complications of a third-degree burn in a child?

Possible complications can include:

  • Infections that may affect any part of the body, such as the lungs

  • Scarring

  • Being unable to move a joint due to scarred tissue (joint contracture)

  • Emotional problems

  • Organ failure and death

  • Pain

What can I do to prevent a third-degree burn in my child?

The following are some of ways to prevent burns in children:

  • Make sure your hot water heater is set below 120° F (48.8° C).

  • Be careful with hot drinks.

  • Make sure pot and pan handles are turned toward the back of the stove.

  • Be careful using car seats, strollers, and seatbelts that are left in hot cars. They material and metal may get very hot.

  • Keep your children away from fireplaces, stoves, and grills, and supervise your children if they are near these items.

  • Keep your child out of the sun. Use sunscreen when your child is old enough, usually at 6 months.

  • Keep cleaning products and other chemicals in a safe place. If they are under a sink, use a lock on the cabinet door.

  • Use outlet covers.

  • Keep hot appliances in safe places and away from the edge of a counter where a child could pull on top of them. This includes toasters, irons, and hair-styling tools.

  • Teach your children to never play with matches or lighters and keep these items out of reach of young children.

  • Never hold a baby while drinking a hot liquid.

  • Test bath water before placing or letting your child to get in the tub.

  • Stay away from fireworks or only allow with close adult supervision.

How can I help my child live with a third-degree burn?

Your child will get treatment for a long period of time after a third-degree burn. Preventing and treating complications such as scars and contractures are part of ongoing care. Care may include:

  • Physical and occupational therapy

  • Rehabilitation

  • Cosmetic or plastic surgery

  • Orthopedic surgery

  • Counseling

When should I call my child's healthcare provider?

Call your child's healthcare provider if your child has:

  • Signs of infection such as increasing redness, warmth, swelling, pain, or odor

  • A fever above 101.5°F (38.6°C) rectally or by mouth

  • Pain that gets worse

  • Uncontrollable itching

  • A contracture

  • Wound is not healing

Key points about a third-degree burn in children

  • A third-degree burn damages all skin layers.

  • Immediate medical care is needed for a child with a third-degree burn.

  • Treatment is complicated and may involve supporting breathing and circulation.

  • Serious complications and death may occur.

Next steps

Tips to help you get the most from a visit to your child's healthcare provider:

  • Know the reason for the visit and what you want to happen.

  • Before your visit, write down questions you want answered.

  • At the visit, write down the name of a new diagnosis, and any new medicines, treatments, or tests. Also write down any new instructions your provider gives you for your child.

  • Know why a new medicine or treatment is prescribed and how it will help your child. Also know what the side effects are.

  • Ask if your child's condition can be treated in other ways.

  • Know why a test or procedure is recommended and what the results could mean.

  • Know what to expect if your child does not take the medicine or have the test or procedure.

  • If your child has a follow-up appointment, write down the date, time, and purpose for that visit.

  • Know how you can contact your child's provider after office hours. This is important if your child becomes ill and you have questions or need advice.

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